Some days are kitchen days, Owen and Brandon thoroughly love their kitchen and play with it often; my favorite is when they pull it out from the wall and use the little window to ask each other for food and how they are doing. When the kitchen gets used, there are some supplies that are needed: […]
Tag Archives: Brandon
Camera needed!
Quick grab the camera….Owen and Brandon are smiling and ready for a picture. Owen quite proudly displaying his lego creation (it turns into a shooting gun – but as Owen will tell you, you only shoot at targets). Brandon showing off his army guy who is ready to go off into the woods and hunt […]
Lazy days at home
We had a quiet weekend a few weeks ago; it was nice for all of us, no plans, no where to go, just a chance to stay home and relax. Owen and Brandon went from one thing to the next and played really well together. First there was lego building. Building towers and tunnels and […]
St Patrick’s Day
St Patrick’s Day is always a fun holiday, you get to dress in green and eat all sorts of green foods. At the day care, they made the water table water green, used green play-dough and ate green milk for lunch. Owen thoroughly enjoyed green day, as his hands will prove. As well at day […]
It was the middle of March and finally we had a sunny afternoon when it was still warm enough to be outside in the evening. Sean and I were so excited by the warm sun and birds chirping that we thought it must be bbq weather! After picking Owen and Brandon up from daycare, we […]
Elephants, Light Sticks and Tigers
The circus came to town in March. Owen is almost 4 yrs old and Brandon is 2 1/2 yrs old; we felt they were old enough to enjoy it, last the afternoon and remember the events. About a week before the circus date we started to ask Owen and Brandon if they would like to […]
More crafts
One weekend, Daddy did paper bag monsters and masks with Owen and Brandon. That was a real hit, they were so excited to show anyone who walked in the door and they played together with them for days aftewards. And I’ll tell you a secret, Daddy is going to build a craft table for Owen […]
Craft time
Owen and Brandon love crafts, love coloring and being creative. I will admit we don’t do it enough these days with them, the craft stuff is put away out of sight and we often forget about it until it’s too late in the night or right before nap time. At daycare they had a craft […]
Mr Potato Head
Mr Potato Head is a toy that Owen and Brandon rarely play with but play with enough that when I have the thought to put the toy away in storage, Owen and Brandon pull it out and play. When they do play with Mr Potato Head they really do enjoy it. They laugh and squeal […]
Brandon and Kosmo
Brandon is still very interested in Kosmo these days. He loves to sit beside Kosmo and pet him, watch him eat (squatting with his hands on his lap) and throw his toys for him. Of course he gets very upset when Kosmo gets him with his tail, knocks him over when he runs by or […]