All about Spiderman

These days it’s all about Spider-man, Batman, Superman, anything to do with superheros, so the day after the birthday party, Owen and Brandon were sporting their Spider-man masks and doing everything with them on — playing, eating, watching tv, anything and having a blast doing it! Once they were done with that, it was time […]

A budding photographer?

It was the Sunday before Owen’s birthday and I told Sean I would love to have a picture of Owen for his four year post; something that showed his personality, but a nice smile and eyes at the camera would be great — this was no small feat.  Owen loves the camera but as soon […]

Busy Workin’

The May long weekend is always a tough one to guess on how the weather will be….will it be cold and snow (yes it can and has snowed on the May long weekend), will it be hot and sunny, will it rain?  Lucky for us, this year the weekend was hot and sunny.  I had […]


As of late, bath time has been interesting for Brandon.  He has gotten very upset about getting into and sitting in the tub for bath time.  Sean and I has been unsure as to why, first it seemed that he was scared of the shower head looming down over him (we moved that as far […]