Happy 5th Birthday Owen!

I turned 5 years old on May 25th! I weigh 50 lbs and I am 45.60 inches tall. I am wearing size small for tops and size 7 for pants. My feet have slowed down a bit with growth and I am still wearing a size 13 shoe. Mom feels like all she did this past year was buy me new clothes – the sleeves, pant length and in the body always seemed to short. At my kindergarten booster shot appointment I sat really well and rang the bell really hard when it was time for the needles. And yes….I still love my afternoon naps and they have gotten shorter and I can even go without a nap more often! With Kindergarten coming up, Mom and Dad will have to start transitioning me out of naps altogther.
Some of my favorite foods are – blueberries, watermelon, pineapple, blackberries, pasta, chicken fingers, carrots and cucumbers. I’ve added a few new ones, red peppers, blackberries and Kraft Dinner. If I could and if Mom and Dad let me, I would have Kraft Dinner every night for supper and Rice Krispies cereal every day for breakfast. I am still a pretty picky eater but then so was Mom when she was a little girl.
I have more of an opinion of what I like to wear and because of that the time has come that I have to go with Mom when it is time to buy me new clothes. I like it when Grandma, Grandpa, Daddy and Aunty come along too, because then I get to show off the clothes in the fitting room. I am still at the same daycare, but moved into the pre-kinder room. This room is where I get to learn about my ABC’s, 123’s, how to spell my name, and all sorts of things I need to know for Kindergarten. When I start Kindergarten in September I will have to leave my daycare and go to a different one, one that I will take the bus from to go to school. It is a little daunting but it will also be a lot of fun. I am lucky as well, because my school is being built this year, so I will be the first group of children to attend the school.
I have a lot of stories to tell and love to tell Mom and Dad about the things I remember. I can remember the things we did last summer and now that summer is coming again, I ask Mom and Dad if we will do those things again — the Capital Ex parade and don’t forget the pancake breakfast at Mommy and Daddy’s work before the parade. The Calgary Zoo with the baby giraffe and the Railroad museum that big tall Grandpa came with us (Grandpa Stamp). Learning to share and play with my little brother, Brandon, is tough at times but most of the time we have a blast together. Whether we are pretending we are the teachers at daycare, working at the bagel store (Tim Horton’s – you think Mom and Dad take us there a lot??) or reading books together, we have lots of giggles and laughs together.
I am wearing glasses and they have really helped me – I have made comments to Mom and Dad that I can see better with my glasses on. Now we are all just working through making sure I have them and making sure when I take them off, I put them someplace people can’t step on them (my glasses have broken about 3 times this year). I have finally mastered potty time – I told Mom and Dad not to worry I know exactly what to do once school started but they still worried – just days before my 5th birthday I showed them all how it’s done. Mom says this a total Owen thing — I will do it when I am good and ready to do it.
I am still enjoy gymnastics and started skating lessons this past fall / winter. I very much enjoyed skating and at the end of our lessons, Dad took Brandon and I to the hockey store to buy real hockey sticks. This spring I played outdoor soccer; it took me sometime to warm up to the cheers and noise that the parents made during the game – I preferred to play goalie. And at daycare we go fun swimming once a week and then on Friday’s I do swimming lessons during the day. Mom and Dad have been able to come and swim with my daycare friends and I about once a month and I love having them there!
My likes are Superhero’s like Spider-man, Thor, Capitan America and Batman, Ningago Lego, Star Wars, anything to do with the Disney movie Cars and Transformers. I still love puzzles and building with Lego. And this year Mom spent a lot of time trying to find me puzzles that were more challenging! I have a new love for coloring and tracing and playing board games! Some of the board games I really love to play are Guess Who (Star Wars version), Candyland, Ladybug Game and Operation.
My birthday party was a pirate theme with a pirate bouncy house at my Aunty Claudette’s house. Watch for pictures from my party!