Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day to everyone! Our plan was to spend the morning with Aunty Claudette and our wonderful neighbours and visit the Devonian Botanical Gardens and celebrate Canada’s birthday but to our dismay the clouds came out and even before we stepped out of the house…correction…Tim Horton’s, the rain started to come. First it was […]

Garden fresh!

We got our first foods from our garden for the season…lettuce, yummy crisp lettuce. Owen and Brandon helped hold the bowl while Mommy cut the lettuce and so of course a picture of my proud helpful boys was required. Looking forward to more yummy veggies from our garden!

General Silly-ness

Because I have two boys (well three if you count my husband), I have been told too many times that with boys come silly-ness most of the time and that I really need to learn to relax and let it happen….cause it’s going to happen whether I stress out or not over it.  So….I think […]


The boys have experienced and thoroughly enjoyed sleepovers at Aunty Claduette’s lately – when’s the next one?! Now the boys want to do sleepovers…in each other’s rooms.  Being a total “mom”, the rule is sleepovers can happen on Friday or Saturday nights.  Owen and Brandon absolutely love the idea of sleeping in each other’s rooms for […]