Merry belated Christmas to all!

I have been sick for the past week and am finally this evening starting to feel a little bit more back to good ole’ Ang. So this post comes a little late but understandably late, right? As my posts have been been lacking and I have a surge of energy this evening, I’ve decided to do a month in review.
Our December started with our new tradition of decorating the gingerbread house. Aunty Claudette and Grandma K came over to help out – while I did some Christmas baking.

As I mentioned, along with the Christmas baking came help this year. Owen and Brandon helped roll and cut out our gingerbread cookies. All that practice time at daycare rolling and cutting out of play-dough came in handy.


Then we saw Santa – this was the third time we saw him and by then Owen and Brandon were old pro’s at it all.

We made a trip to Airdrie to celebrate Christmas with Uncle Derek, Aunty Colette, Zoe, Isaac and Grandpa and Grandma S. Colette cooked us a turkey dinner – which was so delicious – and waffles the next morning. Many thanks for filling our bellies. The kids enjoyed opening their gifts to each other.

Sean and I were pleasantly surprised with our first (of many) daycare made Christmas ornaments. This one by Owen.

One of the my worst sick days was the Friday before Christmas, I missed out on our first ever trip down Candy Cane Lane. Dad and Aunty Claudette took the boys and from their smiling faces and rosy cheeks when they got home, they very much enjoyed it.

Our traditional Christmas Eve get together with both our families turned out great (despite my being sick), the kids were full of love and giving kisses all around.

And of course, the boys got to open one gift that night – we enjoyed a few rounds of Hungry Hungry Hippos before setting out treats for Santa.

Despite being sick I tried really hard to slow down and enjoy the day – no racing around, no hurry hurry, no looking at the clock. I think it worked (at least for me), it was a very relaxing and enjoyable day. As much of our family came by as could and it was wonderful to spend what time they had with them on this very special day. Owen and Brandon found Santa filled their stockings with all their favorites and brought gifts of “just what I wanted”.

Maybe my calmness of the day helped but I was able to convince Owen and Brandon to put on their dress up shirts and ties (yes ties) for pictures. They happily changed and happily smiled for the camera.

Then they hammed it up for the camera.

I end this with yes another tradition, our traditional family picture in front of the turkey just before it is carved for dinner.

And as Brandon has told everyone he met this month, A Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!