Can you believe that 6 years ago, Sean and I were just doing the wedding thing. 6 years ago we were a happy couple with so many dreams for the future. I am happy to say we are living those dreams and still so happy….we have a beautiful home and yard, we have a hyper happy pup who has adjusted so well to the addition of our two unbelievably awesome sons. It’s sappy and you can groan all you want but it’s true. Although Sean and I did laugh the other day….if you would have told us 6 years ago that we would be living life on little sleep, a messy home all the while raising 2 boys, we would have laughed and laughed and laughed. If you know me, you know that I love my sleep and 6 years ago I would have never believed you if you said I could function on less than I was getting then!
All this is not just the result of our family that live in our home, but of our wonderful extended family of grandma’s, grandpa’s, aunt’s and uncles and great-grandma. Our extended family has been so supportive and they seem to know just when Sean and I need a little time alone. They have all been so wonderful to recognize when Sean and I needed a little holiday, when a “date night” is a wonderful reprieve and for everything else that they may think as small and meaningless but to us it is huge! Washing the dishes, bathing the boys, just playing with the kids so we can get laundry done, walk Kosmo….we appreciate it all!!
This year, on our anniversary, with the help of our family, we made it special. It was a wonderfully hot (yes hot) fall day and we took full advantage. Aunty Claudette came with us to Whitemud Park; a very cool area filled with trees and bridges, many narrow paths that go on forever. Although most of the leaves had already fallen, the sun against the trees cast a beautiful light. Beautiful light that only a true photographer could appreciate – right Sean!? Sean brought his camera gear and enlisted Aunty Claudette to take family photo’s of us. Sean set everything up and she clicked the button. We got great pictures of the four of us, the kids and then even some of just Sean and I. This is definitely a place we will come back too!!

Be sure to check out Korsan Studios for more pictures from our family photo shoot.