Merry Christmas!
We were especially lucky this year to have Uncle Derek, Aunty Colette, Zoe and Isaac here in Edmonton with us and Aunty Jodi staying at our home over the Christmas holidays. We were surrounded with family all through the holidays and while at times it was a little chaotic, a little busy, it was just so wonderful to have everyone here!
Christmas Eve morning Uncle Derek, Zoe, Owen, Brandon and I spent the morning at West Edmonton Mall — first we needed to pick out Aunty Jodi’s birthday balloons (Aunty Jodi’s birthday is December 30th, but since everyone was here, she wanted to celebrate early). While we were waiting for the store to open, the most wonderful thing happened…Santa Claus came walking down the mall. I pointed him out to the kids and they were wide eyed and amazed. Santa Claus came right over to us and talked to us and told us where to come see him. As Santa walked away, Owen looked up at me and said “Santa is not scary!”. I agreed with him and Owen then looked over at Brandon, wrapped around my leg with tears in his eyes, “Brandon, Santa is not scary.” Brandon said through his tears, “oh”. We walked over to see Santa and sit in Santa’s sleigh; Zoe and Brandon were content to sit in Santa’s sleigh, a safe distance from Santa, but Owen kept walking towards Santa and peeking at him. Finally Owen came over to me and said he wanted to sit on Santa’s knee. I was over-joyed, we got all the kids together walked over and only Owen sat on Santa’s knee. Owen was so proud sitting there, telling Santa what he wanted….if only Owen would have smiled at the camera!
Christmas morning, the boys slept in a little (6:45 am counts in our house as sleeping in) and were excited to head downstairs to see if Santa came. Yup, Santa ate the cookies and left toys filled in their stockings and a train table in the living room.

To my delight Owen and Brandon dressed in the shirt and tie (compromising with jeans) that I had bought especially for Christmas morning.

Uncle Derek, Aunty Colette, Zoe, Isaac, Grandma and Grandpa H and Aunty Jodi all came over Christmas morning. We ate breakfast first, with Owen, Brandon and Zoe eating at the red table, the very table Derek, Jodi and I use to eat at when we were small.

Then it was on to the presents…
Owen with a blue shopping cart (they don’t make blue strollers — but that is another story for another day)

And Brandon with a tool kit

Owen took a break and gave Isaac tickles with Grandma H. Once Owen got Isaac to smile, he sat and tickled Isaac over and over.

Brandon took a break and posed for Daddy.

And then Owen, Brandon, Zoe and Isaac all agreed to sit and smile for a group picture!

After naptime, Grandma K, GG, Aunty Dar and Uncle Jim came over for Christmas dinner and more presents. Owen and Brandon had lots of fun with Aunty Dar. Sharing coffee, zooming around in their new capes and showing off their beaver hats.

Just before dinner was served, our traditional family picture was taken, this year by Aunty Dar (Aunty Claudette and Uncle Phil were in Fort McMurray this year). Normally Daddy wears his apron when carving the turkey; this year Mommy, Owen and Brandon all got aprons as Christmas gifts — as we have all started to do more baking and cooking.

A couple more pictures of Owen and Brandon enjoying their new presents.

Boxing Day, Aunty Jodi and I did the crazy early morning Boxing Day shopping. Owen and Brandon were so exhausted from late nights, early mornings and just the excitement in the air that they had early naps (10 am) and slept almost all day (I woke them at 3 pm). We spent Boxing Day evening at Grandpa and Grandma S’ house; there was dinner and more presents.
We had one more Christmas to celebrate, the day after Boxing Day we had dinner and more presents with Aunty Claudette and Uncle Phil, GG and Grandma K. Sean and I put a few gifts away so that Aunty Claudette could enjoy the excitement of Owen and Brandon opening Christmas presents.
We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.