Happy Fourth Birthday Owen!

I am 4 yrs old today. I weigh 46.40 lbs and I am 43.50 inches tall. I am wearing 6X, extra small and small tops (depending on the store) and I am slowly moving from 5T to the size small in Little Boy clothes for pants. I wear a size 13 shoe – my feet have continued to grow and I think I moved 2 shoes sizes this year. I still love my afternoon naps and they are still just as long as last year. I love to sleep and Mom and Dad love it too!
My eating habits have changed, there was once a time when Mom or Dad could put anything on my plate and I would willingly wolf it down. These days I am a little more particular (not picky) about what I want to eat. Some of my favorites still remain – blueberries, watermelon, pasta, chicken fingers, carrots, cucumbers. I’ve added a few new ones, pineapple (which I so lovingly mix up and call apple pie), strawberry or raspberry yogurt only, Eggo’s, raisins and blueberry raisins and broccoli. If I could and if Mom and Dad let me, I would have pasta and meatballs every night for supper and train (baloney sandwich cut into a train shape) sandwiches every day for lunch.
I am so independent – at times I like to pick out my clothes and dress myself, but if I am tired Mom gets that job back. Last summer Brandon and I moved from our day home to a daycare. It was a little daunting at first with so many kids and such a different schedule but having Brandon there with me, helped me know it was an okay place to be. Now almost year has passed and I love my daycare, I have lot of friends and love all the activities we do all day. The daycare has helped me become more independent, over the winter they taught us a couple tricks to getting our jackets on by ourselves; I proudly showed Mom and Dad the tricks at home and even taught Brandon.
I am working hard to use my words and express my feelings and wants through words instead of crying, screaming, hitting or throwing things. Mom and Dad tell me I am doing really well at this and are so proud of how I can express my feelings through words most of the time. When I am tired or bored, it’s harder for me, but I am working at telling Mom or Dad – I am bored, I need something else to do (so that I don’t pick on my little brother). Ha ha
My speech is really improved, the sentences I string along and the fact that I am remembering things we did yesterday, a month ago and bringing them up in daily conversation continues to amaze Mom and Dad. I am so helpful with my little brother Brandon (when he lets me) and there are times when Brandon will call for me in the morning or ask me to help him with meal times instead of Mom and Dad.
I will start wearing eye glasses this year; our family doctor is outstanding and she recommended at three years having my eyes tested and thankfully she did. It turns out I need eye glasses to help improve my vision, so I can enjoy reading books, playing, watching tv, doing everything so much more.
Potty Time, this has been one of my biggest accomplishments this year. I have moved from pull-ups to underwear and am learning to tell when I have to go potty and to go on my own. Just a month ago, Mom and Dad started to potty train Brandon and asked me to help. Now Brandon loves to come potty with me and we have races to see who can pee first.
I am still doing gymnastics but have moved from Parent and Tot to Kindergym (doing gymnastics all on my own). I really enjoy it and the coaches are working hard to challenge me and keep me busy (otherwise I tend to goof around, as any typical boy would do). At the daycare we go swimming once a week and then on Friday’s I do swimming lessons during the day. I love to swim and love the water.
My new likes are Spider-man, Batman, Superhero’s and Transformers and I still like Cars, Toy Story (Buzz Lightyear and Woody), Handy Manny and Mickey Mouse. I also love puzzles and building with Lego. Mom is so happy, as she loved doing puzzles and building with Lego when she was young! I love pretend play, whether it’s cooking with Brandon in the kitchen or on the BBQ or dressing up as cowboys, policemen, firemen, etc.
My birthday party will be Spider-man with a bouncy house at my Aunty’s this year.