The past week

It’s been a tough week. Owen and Brandon seem unusually tired and are rubbing their eyes at supper time; getting through bath time, snack time and story time were at times, rough. Owen’s potty training has stalled a bit this week; Mom and Dad are trying hard to keep their spirits up and keep encouraging Owen. Brandon had a cough and super-duper runny nose, which combined with being tired made manners, using big words and sharing really tough for him.

But there were glimmers of smiles and laughs through the week as well.

Brandon did really well with potty training at day care. He sang us songs he learned at Music and Me and before bed a few nights he would tell me which friends at day care he played with, talked to and scared with dinosaurs. These quiet times I cherish, if you know Brandon, you can picture him chatting to me, with his head tilted to one side and his hands moving up and down and his eyes twinkling.

Owen used his big words and big voice to tell us when he needed something, explain why he was upset or what Brandon was doing that was bugging him. Mom and Dad were lucky enough to watch Owen interact with some of his friends at day care and watch him look them in the eye and talk with them. Almost every night Owen wanted to do puzzles and my oh my is he good. We have 4 or 5 of varying difficulty and he worked through them all…on his own — Owen only wanted Mom or Dad to watch him. The most difficult of the puzzles is his favorite and he has put it together so many times that it is starting to wear! I am so proud of him.

And Mom has finally found time to do something for herself….Pilates. I am going once a week, this is week 3 and I love it. I am having fun, love how to feels to stretch and move and love how my muscles feel the next day. Brandon told me one night, Mom you need to go to excersie so Dad can read to us!  Thanks Dad for making this work for me, for us!