The daycare the boys go to is very good at being creative with lunch and snack-times and sometimes a few of those creative meals are such a hit that the boys ask for it at home. One such time was mini pizza’s. They had so much fun putting the toppings on and watching the cheese melt in the oven. My favorite part was when I asked them what do we put on our pizza’s – Owen and Brandon shouted carrots and cucumber. Okay sure, let’s try it out, who am I to judge?!
It wasn’t horrible but I wouldn’t make it my new favorite topping but the important part was I tried it and the boys thought it was the funniest thing (I wonder if they were just testing me??)
Grapes are a new favorite fruit in our house, green or red, we aren’t picky. One morning Owen and Brandon were picking through the container of grapes when they pulled out this one, very big grape. Why Mommy it’s a pumpkin grape! Of course Daddy HAD to take a picture and we all took a moment to look at the pumpkin grape. Owen and Brandon didn’t want to eat it, they wanted to save it.
A few days later we cut it in half and the boys shared eating their pumpkin grape.
Who says you can’t play and eat at the same time…who am I to curb creativity at the dinner table!?