I think I have mentioned this in past posts, but this year I planted a vegetable garden with the basics – carrots, peas, green onions, lettuce and a few extras – green peppers, broccoli and sunflowers. It’s nearing the end of June and I am quite pleased with my garden. There are plants growing and some have food growing on them as well – if I sound surprised it’s because I just didn’t know how well it would turn out. I will admit I didn’t do anything extra special with the soil, I probably planted most of the seeds too close and I occasionally would forget to water but despite that, those seeds turned into plants and healthy looking ones — comparable to the farmer market? I’d like to think so!
My peas growing up and up.
Do ya see that!? That’s right, an itty bitty green pepper – tastes great!
Now I’ve been figuring out flowers for a few more years than veggies and i think i might have figured it out this year, finally. Marigolds and Osteospermum are a must, beautiful colors and the marigolds are suppose to help keep the bugs down by their smell (and they really do smell…bad).
And my favorites, Calla Lilies.
Is it because I am a mom or because I am getting older that I quite enjoy this gardening thing…ahhh who cares, it’s fun that is all that matters!