Evenings are hectic and short, before bath time the boys are usually irritating each other, cranky and uncooperative – the witching hour. After bath time and into their pyjama’s, the boys are happy and full of energy – the silly hour. They are very helpful at bath time, taking their clothes to the laundry hamper and climbing into the tub on their own (even telling us when there is TOO much water). They laugh and giggle in the tub, splashing each other, the walls and the lucky person bathing them. When bath time is over they have their towels wrapped around them and they head into Owen’s room to get their pyjama’s on and dry off. This is where it begins….at this point they become so full of energy and so funny, that as irritated, cranky or tired Sean and I may be, you really can’t help but crack a smile and laugh along with them. And when they see Mom and Dad laughing at what they are doing, well then it goes into over-drive!
Here Brandon is getting dressed all on his own. His arms missed the arm holes and he felt that his pyjama top was on quite normal — Sean and I had tears in our eyes laughing over this one.
And now Owen and Brandon are playing so wonderful made up game, where Brandon sits on a step stool on the picnic table. Very closely supervised by Mom and Dad. But you have to hand it to them, they have quite the imaginations!